Elevate Your Direct Mail with Data-Driven Digital Printing, Alleviate Postal Costs

Postal Optimization and Personalization

In the realm of direct mail marketing, making the right production choices can make or break your campaigns.

American Litho is here to show you how utilizing the variability of digital printing to maximize its full potential can be a real game-changer, boosting response rates while reducing postage costs.

Personalization Unleashed

Paper Options Abound

Significant Postage Savings

Determining the Best Tactics:

Creative Format Freedom

Our format design team specializes in creating cost-effective formats. When combined with our custom finishing lines, American Litho can produce a diverse range of designs. We can add features that will qualify your piece for the USPS Tactile Promotion discount. These interactive pieces are not only geared towards cost savings but are also strategically crafted to enhance engagement and boost response rates. For high-end self-mailers, our digital web platform can handle heavy stocks up to 9pt and offer flood coating options eligible for USPS Tactile Promotions, yielding potential postage discounts of up to 4% during the promotional period of February 1, 2024–July 31, 2024.


Format Fusion, American Litho
At American Litho, we're ready to guide you through this seamless transition.

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Solutions & Capabilities